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This page reflects alternative media that has referenced Vassar. See separate pages for music/radio, and novels/poems/plays.
The New Yorker, September 16, 1985
Achewood, Feb. 10, 2002
(Thanks to Ridgely Schantz for the tip)Podcasts
The Paul F. Tompkins-hosted improvisation show Spontaneanation features an improvised story each week. Episode 58, "Rented Cabin in the Mountains", featuring Jason Mantzoukas, makes a few Vassar jokes (which start at about the 40:00 mark).Video Games
- Metal Gear Solid—In this highly popular game series, when the player saves his game he has a brief interaction with, according to Wikipedia, a "Chinese-American data analyst [who invented the player's] wireless communication system, the codec radio, as well as the Soliton Radar, which detects the positions and field of vision of nearby enemy soldiers...[She] provides him with advice through Chinese proverbs, as well as quotations from Western authors." Thanks to Michael Weissbluth for the tip.
Stephen Colbert's book America Again throws a Vassar joke into a section on acing an interview question.Comics
The limited comic series The New Champion of Shazam features hero Mary Marvel, sister of Captain Marvel, heading to Vassar as a freshman before being waylaid to save her family in Philadelphia. Several pages take place at Vassar, including a lovely rendering of the library.
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